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Open-Xchange Server is a messaging and collaboration solution combining common free software packages, open standards and web services. Open-Xchange Server is available as proprietary software and as a community supported open-source software (GPL 2) package. Open-Xchange Inc. is headquartered in Tarrytown, NY, USA, with offices in Germany (Olpe/Nürnberg).

Open-Xchange Express Edition Beta

The first day it was released, the quota for EE beta particpants ws filled. Check it out....

New AJAX based interface.
Drag and drop
Bundled with the trendy, easy-to-use Ubuntu operating system - all in one ISO that fits on a CD
Automatic update mechanism
Simply amazing.

posted by Pixie @ 12:17 PM, ,

Open-Xchange in Spanish language

Hey - I have been trying to figure out how to localize OX into Spanish, and then I realized that they have the lanugage packs developed by the community on their website, here's the link:

I contacted OX and they have partners all over the world, and some of their partners sell the commercial version with the Spanish or Portuguese, which is great!

posted by OpenSource GuRu @ 11:25 AM, ,

Open Source Transparency: The End of FUD Revisited

Click here to read the article in full
An interesting retake on the core philosophy behind the open source movement, especially in light of the recent MS patent threats.
Can Freedom overtake FUD?
Your comments are welcome below.

posted by Pixie @ 8:50 AM, ,

CEOs Weigh in on Latest IDC Open Source Research

June 04, 2007
CEOs Weigh in on Latest IDC Open Source Research
Filed under: Open Source

Last Thursday, IDC announced estimates that revenue from standalone open source software will reach $5.8 billion by 2011. In other words, according to Matt Lawton, program director of IDC's Open Source Software Business Models research program, the market is still immature ($1.8 billion in 2006) - and will see accelerated growth over the next five years.

I reached out to a number of CEOs who head up open source companies (or at least utilize a lot of open source in their technology) as well as some leading open source associations to get their reactions and insights regarding the IDC research... and what a great response I got! By the way, pardon any advertorials - there is some meat on these bones.

"The IDC numbers reflect a realization by the market that open source software is addressing the long-running frustrations customers have with proprietary software. A good part of the explosive (and non-stop) growth is due to the fact that the OSS model wasn't designed to help a single company, but rather an entire ecosystem: IT execs, CFOs, developers and end users. IDC calls this an immature market. Well, we've already seen the disruption this immature market has had not only on the software industry, but also on the industries it serves. Open source has the momentum of a freight train -- one I'm glad I'm on and not standing in front of like my proprietary competitors."

- Gerald Labie, CEO, Open-Xchange

posted by Pixie @ 7:08 AM, ,


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The OX Team

posted by Pixie @ 8:40 AM, ,